Saturday, March 29, 2008

Reason & Cubase

Jag står inför ett riktigt dilemma nu. Jag måste bestämma vilket musikprogram jag ska satsa på att lär mig. Det står för tillfället mellan Reason eller Cubase.
Min tankegång för tillfället är att köra Cubase som bas och genom ReWire använda Reason som ett instrument typ. Men vi får se vad som händer.

Got some new fighting gear aswell, shorts and a rashguard. It looks awesome! And what I wrote above was just a rant of what I should choose between Cubase and Reason as base, and at the moment it feels like Cubase is the best base, with Reason connected only as an instrument.
I've been smooching around with Sonar 7 and other obscure musicprograms, but in the end I feel that Cubase/Reason is the best choice for me.
If you have any suggestions of music editing programs to test please let me know!

I've been watching some episodes of Rallarsving, and I must say that I really like what they're doing there. We need more diplomats for fighting as a sport here in Sweden. It's really cool that MMA is growing like crazy already. Even though the rest of the world is far far ahead we're still at least working on it! Which is really good in my opinion.

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