Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Shorter update...

My HDD is now working again! I'm a happy... umm... ant!

For pony!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Short update... One of my HDD just stopped working today. I have no idea what caused it, worked fine yesterday, but when I booted my computer today it just wasn't there. No trace of it whatsoever.
Guess I have to open up my computer and see if there's any physically wrong with it, or with the connection.

But it really sucks when you loose ~250gb of awesome stuff :(

I'm a sad panda...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just got home...

Just got home... kinda drunk..
Went to Morfars (the pub, not my actual granddad, cuz he's dead. And don't you think I party around at graveyards!! Damnit!) today. Morfars is an awesome place to be when you're in Halmstad. Cosy and party'ish!

And yeah Tabasco just doesn't cut it anymore... it's so... vinegar-like. Not quite as hot as I wanted it to be. I'm sad :(
Though I kinda like my new spice... "Death Rain". Maybe it doesn't taste as good as I'd like, it still pack quite a punch!
Still have to proclaim that "Sudden Death", the sauce, is still as good.
(http://www.extremefood.com/shop/product.php?productid=12) plz go buy kk?

(I danced like a crazy person today... people must think I'm really really weird... sweet!)

Drunken g'bye from lil me aight?


Friday, November 14, 2008


So now World of Warcraft's new expansion is out "Wrath of the Lich King". Haven't had the chance to try it out for more than 20 minutes yesterday, but damn, it looks really cool. I guess I'm gonna get addicted to that damn game now.
And for those of you haven't tried WoW yet... just... don't! Not worth it! :)

Bought some new spices and hot sauces too... now I love food again!

Christmas soon... Maybe I'll record a couple of songs this year. Though I won't be singing, just piano and some other instrument. But still!

Alright, I feel like I need something more fun to write about here. I mean, my blog sucks :/
Any ideas?

Peace in!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I've been watching a lot of episodes of Scrubs lately, and holy macaroni that show is good! At the moment I'm on season 7.
And that's pretty much everything going on in my life nowadays... the winter is coming! So that makes it ok to just chill and relax.

Saw [R.E.C] with Nicke and Pernilla yesterday, still a god damn great movie. Short and intense! If you get the chance please DO see it. It's worth it.

And yes... music. Still haven't written anything really good lately. A couple of melodies, but that's all. Haven't really had the chance to try the power of my new computer. And speaking of wich, I've been asked by a very special person to show some pictures of my new computer, but... it's no fun to look at. Just think of it as a big black box ok? k! Nah, maybe I'll put some pics up here on it soon.

I wonder if IRC miss me?

Cya around peeps


Saturday, October 25, 2008


So basically I'm pretty much just playing World of Warcraft at the moment. So no new fun updates here...

Oh wait... I have a new computer! It's awesome, and fast and stuff.

I will start posting here more often now, even if it's just random gibberish!

An awesome comic: http://www.lfgcomic.com/ (WoW of course)
Don't you just love Richard?

Be sure to check out: http://www.darklegacycomics.com/ aswell. (See above)



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not Another Post

This post should not be seen as a post. If you consider the following post as a post you are in fact wrong and should be put in jail.

Attention all readers! I have heard from some secret source that THEY will find me if I post another post. So another post will not be posted.

My source also says that FRA is not good.
And FRA, please don't put him (or her) in jail. S/he is a good source. Ok!?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New post?

Hmm, maybe it's time for a new post? Yes yes, I guess it is.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Sorry, gonna post something in swedish now... I found it on a website (http://stoppafralagen.nu/) and was posted by the user "mini".

It's from Tage Danielsson's "Sannolikhet". So here goes...

Sannolikt va, det betyder väl nåt som är likt sanning. Men riktigt lika sant som sanning är det inte om det är sannolikt.

Nu har vi tydligen inte råd med äkta sanningar längre, utan vi får nöja oss med sannolikhetskalkyler. Det är synd det, för dom håller lägre kvalitet än sanningar. Dom är inte lika pålitliga. Dom blir till exempel väldigt olika före och efter.

Jag menar före avslöjandet om de 103 avlyssnade svenskarna så var det ju ytterst osannolikt att den sortens avlyssning skulle hända, men så fort det hade hänt rakade ju sannolikheten upp till inte mindre än 100 procent så det var nästan sant att det hade hänt.

Men bara nästan sant. Det är det som är så konstigt. Det är som om man menar att avlyssningen var så otroligt osannolik så egentligen har det nog inte hänt.

I själva verket går ju hela alliansen och väntar på att få veta om det som hände de 103 svenskarna har hänt eller inte, innan de kan bestämma sig för om dom ska tycka att FRAs massavlyssning är så farlig som den skulle vara om avlyssningen som har hänt på FRA verkligen har hänt. Nu har visst Ingvar Åkesson bestämt sig till sist, och tydligen kommit fram till att det som hände då på FRA inte har hänt, men att vi å andra sidan måste ha mycket bättre säkerhetsanordningar så det inte händer igen.

Och man förstår ju att dom har tvekat, för en sån skandal inträffar ju enligt alla sannolikhetsberäkningar bara en gång på flera tusen år, och då är det ju i varje fall inte troligt att den har hänt redan nu, utan det är väl i så fall mera sannolikt att den har inträffat längre fram. Och då kommer ju saken i ett annat läge. För det kan ju inte vi bedöma nu. Då. Eller...

Sen är det också det att om det som hände på FRA verkligen hände, mot förmodan, så är ju sannolikheten för att det ska hända en gång till, den är ju så oerhört löjligt jätteliten så att på sätt och vis kan man säga att det var nästan bra att det som hände på FRA hände, om det nu gjorde det. För jag menar då kan man ju nästan säkert säga att det inte kommer hända igen.

I varje fall inte på FRA. Och säkert inte samtidigt som förra gången.

Risken för en upprepning är så liten att den är försumbar. Med det menas att den finns inte, fast bara lite.

Nu är ju det här rätt krångligt för gemene man, så egentligen är det väl ingen idé att ha offentlig debatt om sånt här. Folk i allmänhet dom tänker förstås på sitt grovhuggna vis att det som hände på FRA verkligen har hänt. Dom tar det som en sanning. Tala alltid sanning, barn, sa våra föräldrar till oss. Det får vi inte säga till våra barn utan vi måste lära dom att alltid tala sannolikt. Att säga sannolikheten, hela sannolikheten och ingenting annat än sannolikheten.

Så att dom inser att det som hände på FRA då inte kan hända nu, eftersom det inte ens hände då, vilket hade varit mycket mer sannolikt, med tanke på att det var då det hände.

(Tack till Tage Danielsson)

Och även tack till http://stoppafralagen.nu/

Friday, July 11, 2008


So D3 is coming... and a lot of people are playing Diablo 2 now, including me.
Me and Freddy have been working on some characters these last couple of days. Nostalgia ftw!

And I saw UFC 86 last weekend... holy cow it was awesome. Jackson vs Griffin... damn! And now Affliction is coming up with an event, though it won't air on TV4 Sport. :/ It does has an ok fight card though.

I just can't help it, I love Brad Paisley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y-Ipi1dnng
I guess I'm kind of into Country in general, but this is... like... really good!
Almost guitar masturbation if you ask me... :D


Sunday, June 29, 2008


Well done Spain!
This was the end of a great month with lots of football. Now we have to wait for CL, or WC even!

So yeah... Diablo 3 :D

Really looking forward to that, and of course SC2.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Euro 2008

Football football football... Nothing but football. I'm so happy!! =) (Some EU too of course. EU= Entropia Universe. Dav, you should try it out. You can make real money ;)

So Sweden kind of sucked in the last match. Well well, now let's cheer for Holland! Go Van Basten!
I really missed England in this tournament, but I guess you can't have it all.

Will update properly next month!


Saturday, June 7, 2008


Entropia Universe!

That is all...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

UFC 84

Ohhhhhh yeaaaaahh!! Wanderlei Silva for president!!
Yeah, you guessed it, Wanderleiu Silva won his match against Keith Jardine.. 36 seconds.
Me, Nicke and Walle were watching this awesome event, and I must say this is the best UFC event in the history (as in for me caring about who wins).
There were some really great knockouts and good fights. B.J showed us once again that he is a really talented and amazing fighter.

UFC 86 doesn't look quite as strong as this event, sure it's fun to see Hughes again. And maybe fighters like Bisping, Werdum and Swick can make next event worth waiting for. Guess we'll know for sure in June.

Mother's day today, so yay for you mom! Even though I really doubt you're reading this blog :P Especially now when you're in Bulgaria.

And speaking of mothers, I really need more episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Hurry up airing the fourth season now ok?
"It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY! "


Whohooo Wanderlei is back!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


An awesome evening! Man United are victorious!
Me, Macke, Walle and Nicke all rooted for United. But I guess Macke was the only true supporter. His heart burns for Man United.
The final was exciting as hell, aaah... oooh how I love football. Maybe some day people in America will understand and appreciate this great sport... and lifestyle! :D

Back to Animal Farm....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Haaaave you met... me

I've finally watched all three seasons of "How I Met Your Mother"... and it's soooo awesome! The best television series I've seen since.. well Friends I guess. And I must say, that Barney character sure is funny. The character is played by Neal Patrick Harris and he plays it very well. I'd even say he's one of my favourite actors of all time. A weird statement one might think, but he really is that good if you ask me.

So school... well, just two weeks left and sooo many papers to turn in. Don't know if I'm even capable of writing that much, but I'll give it a try and see how far I get. Can't do more than my best right? RIGHT? yeah.

Listened to Scarlet Johansson's new album today... not really my style. I had no idea what to expect, but it just didn't do it for me. I'm sure there are people who find that kind of music quite good, but no, nothing for me.
It's cool that Scarlet does stuff like this. I don't really get why people throw hate on actors/actresses that try things like recordning an album, and artists that tries to be on a television show or in a movie. I mean, I think it's really cool that some people really tries to fulfill their dreams or at least try something new. And I bet most people agree with meon that, but when it comes to celebrities doing it, then they better bring it! Like let's take Scarlet Johansson for an example people go all like "She shouldn't have done that" etc.. I say "Why the hell not?" it's not like people force you to listen to it (hopefully). The only problem I see with things like this is when let's say a Disney star records a porn movie, that's not really good for her image. But I guess she's aware of that, and it's her own decision.
But yeah, everyday normal people sure loves to throw hate around... poor celebs ;)

Euro 2008 is coming up... and I'm reeeeally looking forward to it. And damn we got many soccer expert when a tournament or championship is coming up. The normal everyday people that doesn't care for soccer at all during the seasons of La Liga, Premier League and Serie A they pretend they know everything when the tournament is coming up. So that kinda bothers me =)
(For you people that has no idea what I mean by Euro 2008 I can say it's like World Championship in soccer, except it's for European countries only. duh'.

Sorry for this rant. Haven't read through it so I don't even know if it makes sense. Guess I'll find that out when/if Daway reads it.

Peace out you awesome you!

Friday, May 9, 2008


I bought a new HDD yesterday, 500gb. The reason for that was that my old hdd went nuts. Some of the sectors on it were totally destroyed. So I figured that I really needed to save everything I could from that hard drive.

And Windows hasn't been treating me very nicely lately, it actually deleted some work I did... it hatess ussss. :/

The swedish weather is amazing! I hope it could stay like this the whole summer. It's perfect, not toooo hot, but hot enough to run around without shirt! Now we just need hotter water and everything is set! I have a feeling Tylösand will get crowded this summer... sweet!

I should start using irc more. I found some logs from the old days in #WoT on Dalnet, I miss those innocent days! (riiight)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Don't Fear the Penguins

I'm leaning towards using Linux as my music creation platform at the moment. Software that would've been extremely expensive on Windows has their counterparts in Linux for free. Maybe they're not EXACTLY as good, I don't know. But still, it's free! And I love the idea of open source.
One thing that worries me though is the compability with my VST's, I'm mostly thinking about the extremely good, but quite expensive Synthogy's Ivory.

And I've got a few things that doesn't really work in Linux right now, and sadly one of the things is the sound server JACK. Or rather, I guess it works, I just don't know exactly how to configure it. So it's my own fault, I can't blame Linux for that.

I'm actually amazed that Linux isn't used by more people, sure there are lots of people "converting" every day, but still... it's so... fast, smooth, nice and free. And to be honest, I really think Linux (or something like it) is gonna be *the* operating system to use in the future.

So here's a little ad for Linux.

And remember folks: Don't Fear the Penguins!

Again... I'm tired. :(

Friday, May 2, 2008

An idea

Hmm, just had an idea...
I think I'm gonna put up some YouTube clips here in my blog. As in cool-clip-of-the-post kind of thing or something.
Or actually, I'm just gonna link to YouTube.com so you can watch the clips there.
(And remember friends: use your middle mouse button when you click on links!) ;)

Ok so the first YouTube post is the famous Everyday Normal Guy.

It's soo awesome, be sure to spread it around. And if you want the mp3 just contact me or download it from http://www.jonlajoie.com/

Ok ok? Cool

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No mercy for the week

Yeah, this week has been kind of... weird so far. There's just something about this week, I dunno what... but something. Maybe I'm just getting sick or something?

So... Chelsea vs Man U? It will be an awesome showdown! United will crush the blue babies!
Yeah, me and Nicke were just chilling this incredible Valborgsmässoafton, how lame eh? Had some interesting discussions about UFC 84 and Wanderlei Silva. :P

I wonder if I should try to learn how to record and edit music in Linux instead? Or maybe that's just something I just shouldn't do. I mean, I can hardly get my sound card to work in all the media players in Linux, how on earth am I gonna configure it for good music recording? And I'm not sure my VSTi's is working properly in Linux. And I'm to tired to check it out now.

Remember folks, there's a HUGE difference between "infinite" and "infinite big". Universe is "infinite" NOT "infinite big" :D (It all depends on what you believe in I guess, but if you ask me the universe IS infinite.

I've noticed something... when I'm really tired I write weird stuff. Haha, that's awesome.

Damn week!

Thank you!
good night!

Ubuntu and Valborgsmässoafton

I've now installed Ubuntu. And it works kind of good I guess. I had some trouble configuring the drivers for my sound card, but I finally managed to disable the damn AC'97 card!! !#"¤#
And configuring computers is now fun again! I feel like a real newbie =) Even the supposedly simpliest task can be quite tough in Linux when you're not used to it. But it's all worth it in the end!

And oh, also got my new keyboard today. A Trust...something something... And even though it feels great typing on I've noticed some, well, kind of huge flaws. One is that the software that activates all the media keys crashes when you try to use.. the media keys :/ Could be my windows version that screws it up.. but still.
In Linux it works without installing anything, you can just choose the layout and key set and you're good to go.
It also works kind of weird with my KVM-switch, but that's a minor problem really so I won't go into that.

Valborgsmässoafton today... So there should be alot of partying and burning stuff up tonight. I'm not sure what my plans are for tonight, heck I don't even have plans for tonight. And I don't really wanna miss CL, Chelsea vs Liverpool... quite exciting actually. Go Liverpool!!
And speaking of CL.. Man U won yesterday!! That was a relief! I do want to see more of Messi though, but I guess I can't have it all can I?

Whoa, this became a quite lengthy post. So I'll stop right here, and update later tonight perhaps.

Party on Valborgsmässoaftonsfirande människor!

Monday, April 28, 2008

English B

There! Just did one of the national tests in English B, and now my head hurts. 100 minutes of writing about adolescent behavior and how much pressure our young people takes sure isn't fun. Not when writing with pen and paper! That's sooo last millennium! Ha... ha.....hha.

I wonder if it's possible to get Ivory (and other VSTi's) to work in Linux. I'm very tired of Windows XP, and I most definitely won't try Vista again, boy that OS sucks if you ask me! But I guess it's an inevitability if I continue using PC...

Hmm.. maybe I should install Linux on a new partition and go with dual-booting. Yeah!
Now I'm gonna go read up on distributions.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Släktkalas igen

So another party with relatives has come to an end... Andy's birthday.
And it was nice as usual. I only had one glass of whisky and now I'm going for some coffee and some Cubasing I think! So another sober weekend! Feels really great actually!

Talked to Jesper at the party aswell, and he said he really wanted to jam some Metal! I told him me and Nicke might be interested, but we need somewhere to jam... :/
And I wonder if I should start with playing guitar again, or if I should try playing the piano. And if so, how am I gonna get enough volume? It's not like we have a P.A...

And I really really need to buy a new computer, mine is all messed up.
I wish it wasn't so expensive

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Always bring the weather!

So the weather here in Halmstad has awesome these last two days! I actually played basketball with Freddy yesterday, I truly suck at that sucky sport!

Liverpool vs Chelsea 1-1... So very unfortunate for Liverpool. Poor Riise! There will be a war on Stamford Bridge!
Today it's Barcelona vs Manchester United... GO UNIIIIITED!

And I have a test later today... haven't studied at all... so it should be interesting. :(

Ok, I'm off!

Monday, April 21, 2008

OpenOffice and Ivory

Alright... so Daway keeps on rockin'! Guess the world needs more english, and that I will try to give it.
So yeah, MS Office got f*cked up today, and now I've uninstalled it and installed OpenOffice instead. I really recommend OpenOffice, it's like MS Office but not as big and it doesn't hog all the memory! And it's free!!!
Get it here: http://www.openoffice.org/

I've been playing along with some Dream Theater songs this morning, and umm.. those guys knows how to play, and I don't :(

Ivory's Italian Grand sounds almost BETTER than the regular Grand Piano. I don't really know how to describe the sound, it just sounds soooo good. If you're interested in recordning music and want piano in your songs you really should consider buying Synthogy's Ivory pianos.

You're not gonna regret it!



Nä nu har jag beslutsångest igen, över en löjlig liten sak som vilket språk jag bör använda mig av i min blogg här.

Nu har jag skrivit på engelska ett tag, men jag känner att det hindrar mig lite i det jag vill säga. Min engelska är verkligen inte vad den borde vara :(

Så idag har jag testat Ivory Italian Grand och det är helt otroligt bra ljud! Helt klart det bästa VSTi jag testat, i alla kategorier. Eller tja, när det gäller piano i varje fall.

Har även varit på Galgberget och promenerat med Freddy idag. Kändes som en bra runda!

Och mitt Word vill inte fungera! Jag kan alltså inte skriva mina skolarbeten i det programmet för tillfället, mycket jobbigt!

Ska trixa lite med det och se om det ordnar sig!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

UFC 83

Wow... WOW! No, I don't mean wow as world of warcraft.. I mean "wow" as holy sh*t! The UFC 83 was awesome. The fights had it all; technique, strength, blood, humour, awesomeness. I guess I'm a little psyched right now since one of my favourite MMA fighters won his fight, pure "pwnage" as the WoW generation would say.
Though the fightcard wasn't that great if you ask me, but the fights were still entertaining and/or interesting. The GSP vs Serra match was undeniably the best fight for this event (since GSP rocks), but I really liked the Goulet vs Hironaka fight aswell, a really good fight with two unknown fighters. (Unknown to me I might add)

Mark Bocek can really take a punch, Kalib Starnes is a great runner :D , Bisping is back and so is Rich Franklin.

Thank you UFC for a great fight night!

UFC 83 Countdown

So I've been at a preparty at Jessica's today. Totally sober!!! Kinda unusual, but interesting indeed.
Jennifer and Jenny were also sober so I was in a good company. =)
And now Nicke is 25, hip hip.. hoooraaay!
Never went to Morfar's though.

UFC now then...
2 hours until UFC 83 starts, I'm getting really excited here.

I'll probably update here later tonight. Now I'm gonna mess around with Cubase.

På återseende!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Man From Earth

Watched the movie The Man From Earth with Walle and Nicke today. Really interesting movie, might come off as an anti-christian movie, but I really thought it was kind of... well, thoughtful.

I watched Countdown to UFC 83 aswell, the Serra vs GSP match is looking more and more interesting. I'm still rooting for GSP, even though Matt is looking quite awesome aswell. Guess we'll see what happens this Saturday! Whooohaa!

And about Cubase...
I've decided to record some Dream Theater covers, The Spirit Carries On and Through Her Eyes but I'm not really sure if I should be the one singing or if I should ask a friend do it. Or just go with an instrumental version of it, though that might be quite boring I guess.
And Ivory.. MAAAAN it's good. I played along with DT's Solitary Shell, and I couldn't tell the difference between their recorded piano or the thing I was playing. (By sound, not the actual notes... since I don't rock that much)


Friday, April 11, 2008


I have now installed Synthogy's Ivory and I must say "WOW". It's a really great VSTi! I would say you can't get better sound than this. (If you're looking for piano sounds that is)
I've only tried the presets sofar, and they do NOT let me down. Amazing.

The samples takes quite a large chunk of your HDD and RAM, but it's totally worth it. I feel like a true pianist when I use it, and I'm actually not that good at playing the piano...

I did try the Art Vista Grand Piano VSTi too, and I kind of liked it... but compared to Ivory, it's rubbish!

Play safe!


Had a couple of stressful days this week.

Been working at Expert Stormarknad these last two days. My work description was "fixing computers", and that was what I was doing. There were 8 laptops that needed to be fixed if possible. And since the laptops were to be sold again I couldn't use any illegal programs or anything that wasn't verified by Microsoft, and that made the work much tougher than I thought.

Working with the laptops made me realize that I really want a laptop for recordning music. But I guess I need a really good computer to be able to use it with Cubase and all the samples I have at hand. I'll see if I can find a good deal somewhere.

Went to the chiropractor yesterday aswell, and it went quite well, feeling better. Though it was awkwards when she asked me to take all my clothes off! It would've been ok if she wasn't, well.. kind of hot, but yeah, kind of awkward indeed.(I know I'm silly :/). Anyways, the procedure was smooth, as always, and my shoulder feels somewhat better, it's getting there! Soon I can take up my MMA-training again.

I have no idea what's up this weekend. Probably nothing, but it's not impossible that I might go to Morfars tomorrow.

Far och flyg! Två fina svenska ord på F.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Calle fyllde 55.
En trevlig afton ute i Gullbrandstorp som vanligt.
Dock var jag väldigt trött eftersom jag inte sovit något förra natten, Cubase höll mig uppe! Och jag har inte heller druckit någon alkohol alls i helgen. Måste tighta till mig snart alltså!

Har hittat en underbar vst-plugg till Cubase, Miroslav Philarmonik. Riktigt nice alltså.
Håller även på att fixa Synthogy Ivory också, 32GB ljudbank, det kan ju bara bli sååå vackert pianoljud av det.

UFC 83 is coming up! 14 days left. The fights are ok I guess, but I'm only really looking forward to the Matt Serra vs Georges St-Pierre matchup. The card could've been better, but UFC 84 isn't far away so I have to bide my time.

Lots of stuff happening lately, but I'll write about em some other time. kk?

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I saw the movie [REC] today, and WOW I am amazed. It's an awesome spanish(!) movie. It is, of course, horror and the tension in it is just so... umm... extreme. A very well-made zombie movie. And if you like horror movies then I really think you should go and watch this.

And as always Hollywood is making a remake of it (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1082868/) which will come out now in 2008. But please try to see the original first, the filmmakers deserves it.

So yeah...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Reason & Cubase

Jag står inför ett riktigt dilemma nu. Jag måste bestämma vilket musikprogram jag ska satsa på att lär mig. Det står för tillfället mellan Reason eller Cubase.
Min tankegång för tillfället är att köra Cubase som bas och genom ReWire använda Reason som ett instrument typ. Men vi får se vad som händer.

Got some new fighting gear aswell, shorts and a rashguard. It looks awesome! And what I wrote above was just a rant of what I should choose between Cubase and Reason as base, and at the moment it feels like Cubase is the best base, with Reason connected only as an instrument.
I've been smooching around with Sonar 7 and other obscure musicprograms, but in the end I feel that Cubase/Reason is the best choice for me.
If you have any suggestions of music editing programs to test please let me know!

I've been watching some episodes of Rallarsving, and I must say that I really like what they're doing there. We need more diplomats for fighting as a sport here in Sweden. It's really cool that MMA is growing like crazy already. Even though the rest of the world is far far ahead we're still at least working on it! Which is really good in my opinion.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fotboll & UFC

Jaha, då förlorade Sverige snopet mot Brasilien.
Tyckte ändå att Sverige gjorde en helt ok match i många avseenden. Dock spelade vi bort bollen allt för lätt. Fast vidare överraskad över det är jag knappast. Men lite glad måste jag ändå säga att jag är, Pato fick göra mål! Och mitt Milanhjärta brinner starkt i kvällens motgångar.

Hängde en del med Nicke och Tompa idag, kollade på några "UFC All access". Man blir lätt sugen på att träna när man ser de där gubbarna hålla på. Inspirerande!

I can't wait for Wanderlei Silva vs Keith Jardine, and on the same card BJ Penn vs Sean Sherk. Amzaing matchups! May 24... in your face!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

El Orfanato

Dagen gav oss mycket snö och slask, samt vandring på Galgberget med Johan. Mycket trevligt. Sen var det dags att bänka sig framför tv:n tillsammans med Jessica, Nicke och Johnny (och Parra en kort stund).
Idag blev det The Eye (remake) och den underbara spanska filmen El Orfanato, eller The Orphanage som den också kan kallas. Barnhemmet på ren och skär svenska!

Den här filmen (The Orphanage) är för tillfället en av mina absoluta favoritfilmer. Den har något visst över sig, något mystiskt och vackert. Det finns en del skräckmoment i den, men den är mer kuslig än hemsk om du frågar mig.
"Ett, två, tre, förstenad!" Så underbart.

And for you people who can't understand swedish; go watch "The Orphanage". It's a beautiful movie with a haunting theme and scenery. Even though it's in spanish you really should give it a chance, don't wait for the remake! It's a movie well worth watching!


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dagen efter

Jaha, så då var påskafton avklarad.

Det blev förfest hemma hos Truls, eftersom Emfelie tydligen skulle dra vidare på en annan fest. Och det var mycket mycket trevligt hos Truls, roligt folk! Även om vissa av oss mest hängde ute i köket. En verklig klassiker!

Givetvis blev det Morfars när det var dags att gå ut. Blev en hel del dansande där! Mycket trevligt.

Som vanligt är jag inte vidare bakfull idag. Lite seg, men inte mer.
Blir nog film ikväll. Johan H ska komma hit.

Uppdaterar mer senare ikväll

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Då var det redan påskafton då... snart sommar!

Hängt lite med Parra idag, spelat lite musik och så. Han har faktiskt en hel del bra idéer. Dröjer säkert inte lång tid innan han blir bättre på att spela piano än mig.

Ikväll lutar det åt utgång och Morfars faktiskt. Dock lite tveksamt vart förfesten ska vara. Har blivit bjuden till Emfelie, men Jessica kanske räknar att vi ska komma till henne. Så vi får se vad som händer när kvällen är här. Har en känsla av att Jessica kommer att bli fly förbannad på mig... sköj! =)
Raka huvudet ska jag i varje fall göra, oavsett vad som händer!

Alltså det här med bloggandet... det känns nästan som om man skriver en dagbok på internet. En publik sådan också!
Men det hjälper mig att komma ihåg vad jag gjorde en given dag, vilket är mycket bra.

En liten uppmaning också: Köp inte Microsoft Reclusa tangentbord! Det är verkligen inte bra. Hela knappsatsen är flyttad till höger, samt att det är knappt användbart när man startar upp datorn. Eftersom det finns bakgrundsbelysning på det måste datorn generera tillräckligt med ström till USB-uttaget så att tangentbordet knappt går att använda de första 15-minuterna när man startar upp datorn! Mycket kasst.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Kände bara att jag ville visa min tvättbräda här.
Lite stolt är man ju allt...


Jag har nu övervägt att kanske skriva den här bloggen på svenska istället.
Det blir lite lättare så, eftersom min engelska inte är 100%. (Det är inte min svenska heller, men lite bättre kanske)

Jag funderar på att strunta i träningen idag. Fortfarande träningsvärk och min sparringpartner är upptagen på annat håll idag.
Jaja, det är fortfarande ett par timmar kvar så jag får se hur det blir.

Har för övrigt kollat in en pridegala idag, ganska intressant faktiskt... men jag föredrar nog UFC ändå.

Över och ut!

So there it was...

I saw it! I swear!

Even though I doubt people will ever find time to read my blog, I still think that I should have one.
Not really sure if I should keep it in english, or go nuts and write in swedish instead. Guess only time will tell...

And the title? Lost in a Chromatic Life!? What the deuce!?

Anyways, BJJ rocks!

"This message was randomly generated by Calle"