Monday, April 28, 2008

English B

There! Just did one of the national tests in English B, and now my head hurts. 100 minutes of writing about adolescent behavior and how much pressure our young people takes sure isn't fun. Not when writing with pen and paper! That's sooo last millennium! Ha... ha.....hha.

I wonder if it's possible to get Ivory (and other VSTi's) to work in Linux. I'm very tired of Windows XP, and I most definitely won't try Vista again, boy that OS sucks if you ask me! But I guess it's an inevitability if I continue using PC...

Hmm.. maybe I should install Linux on a new partition and go with dual-booting. Yeah!
Now I'm gonna go read up on distributions.



Dav said...

Why in the world is it called English B?

Calle said...

Well, the first course with quite basic english is called English A, and yeah, the course after that, which is a tad more advanced, is called English B.
You have to have a grade in English A to be able to take the course English B. (I think there might be exceptions, but you get the idea).

Dav said...

Is there an English C or D?