Friday, May 9, 2008


I bought a new HDD yesterday, 500gb. The reason for that was that my old hdd went nuts. Some of the sectors on it were totally destroyed. So I figured that I really needed to save everything I could from that hard drive.

And Windows hasn't been treating me very nicely lately, it actually deleted some work I did... it hatess ussss. :/

The swedish weather is amazing! I hope it could stay like this the whole summer. It's perfect, not toooo hot, but hot enough to run around without shirt! Now we just need hotter water and everything is set! I have a feeling Tylösand will get crowded this summer... sweet!

I should start using irc more. I found some logs from the old days in #WoT on Dalnet, I miss those innocent days! (riiight)


Dav said...

everyone is innocent until proven guilty by ops!

Calle said...

Indeed! But it was dangerous hanging about though, since you were an op! A Daway with power is a dangerous Daway. Crazy crazy asian!