Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Just posting this to remind myself to write here about a DAW, namely Reaper.
I'm getting kind of tired of Cubase not working the way I want it to. And maybe I'm just toooo stupid to use Cubase =)

Anyways, Reaper looks like it could be a great contender to all the big DAWs out there. And it's bloody cheap too!

So if there's anyone out there reading this and want to get started with music editing and recording please check out Reaper. http://www.reaper.fm/
And it's a shareware! Yay.

And if Daway doesn't like this DAW I will be a sad... grizzly bear!?


Dav said...

I'm still trying to figure out what "DAW" stands for man.

Calle said...

Oh ok ok, fair enough. Please get back to me when you figure out what it means, and then we'll discuss m'kay?