Sunday, February 15, 2009

Symphonic Choirs and religion

I'm gonna try a new VSTi soon. EWQL's Symphonic Choirs.
If any of you readers have tried that please comment here and tell me if it's worth it. (Yeah Dav, I'm looking at you!)

Still getting used to Reaper, and it looks like it's really a good alternative to Cubase and other DAWs. But to be honest I haven't really tried that many features yet, so far I'm only loading VST's and play/record stuff. Pure MIDI. I wonder if it can handle audio files... Or maybe I need Audacity for that.

And yeah, I saw Religulous and Zeitgeist last week... conspiracy theories are soooo much fun. I don't have enough information or facts to wholeheartedly support the conspiracies in Zeitgeist. But at least it makes you think and doubt.
Just as Bill Maher says in Religulous, he doesn't say his way of thinking is RIGHT, just that there should be doubt when it comes to these things. And I agree with that. And if you're religious, fine, I won't judge you for that, but don't force your religion on me unless asked! And don't make innocent bystanders suffer. Like, start a war with people just because they believe in another God.

Since I'm not religious I really can't understand why fundamentalist refuse to listen to reason. Or actually, I can't understand fundamentalists at all. Sure, we are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs, but you can't just ignore stuff just because it doesn't fit your way of thinking.

Never be 100% sure of anything! :)
I think creative thinking is the way for us humans, just as it was for those that wrote those books loooong ago. Stay creative and don't get lost in a chromatic life. :D

To be continued...

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